Saturday, December 31, 2011

Natural Habitat

The rumor that animators are actually a bunch of 20-40-year old men that spend half their life in a secret cave and huddle close to their computer for light and warmth is an exaggeration, but not by much.

You see, animation, film, and anything related to making something move on screen is hardly ever just a job. It's a lifestyle. You can send someone home from work to rest, and while they're at home, they may just sit there and edit their own work related to the exact same media. Or while they're resting, they watch other movies and get inspirations for future projects. It's in our blood. We speak in Adobe program terms, and any normal person just stops listening when you start to mention words like "CGI" and "b-roll." It translates into a foreign language that only people in your field understand.

In fact, I recently found myself with family during the Christmas holiday, and it was ultimately frustrating to me, because we all studied different professions. My mother being a minister, my brother a preservation architect, and me a filmmaker/animator. The frustrating part was that I'm not interested in old buildings, my brother's agnostic and therefore not interested in religion, and my mother has a hard time with technology. Learning to deal with frustration is key really. So, how do you communicate with the outside world after a while if you've been so specifically educated that you can no longer think in the same context as the rest of society.  You talk about things you all can relate to.  For my family that usually equates to food and the weather.

Food is a topic so neutral that just about anyone can talk about it and still appreciate either the thought of tasting it, or the mechanics behind making it.  And then there's the weather.  In our family, the weather becomes a good topic because we all live in different climates.  My mom lives in tornado alley with a climate that's the normal, blazing hot in the summer and frigid in the winter.  I live just a couple states further East in a climate that gets a lot of rain and remains fairly mild in the winter, but very warm in the summer.  And my brother lives much further North where it gets extremely cold in the winter and only mildly warm in the summer.  So, it makes sense that weather would be a good conversation topic for us.  But at the end of the day, if you're an animator or a filmmaker, because your profession is visual, your family is going to want to view your work.  So, I suppose the lesson of this story is that even though other people may not understand your secret coded language, animators and filmmakers still have the privilege of being able to let other people enjoy their profession through their creations.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Video Games (Christmas Break Special)

So, for those who don't know, many art students (when we aren't dying from lack of sleep and overwork) are totally into video gaming. I recently started getting into it with the help of my boyfriend. So, while there are maybe only one or two games that I'm really any good at, I can say that I'm starting to get a lot better as a whole. So, I thought I'd take the opportunity to list some of the humorous and interesting things that I've learned from video games...

1. The Soul Calibur universe believes in big boobs, magic incorporation to all types of martial arts, badass/totally unpractical attacks, and S&M.

2. Throwing a grenade at a closed window will not shatter the glass, but it will make for some laughs

3. The double-tap rule almost always applies in zombie games unless you use a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher.

4. Crazed men chasing you with chainsaws make normal zombies look like Bugs Bunny

5. According to Bayonetta and Donte, all demon-killing must be done in style.

6. In Mass Effect 1, you are guaranteed to spend at least a half an hour just figuring out where you're supposed to be going.

7. Men in Skyrim are much more polite to you if your character is a woman.

8. Dragons in any game are always cool and hard to kill.

9. The name Ezio is to always be highly respected.

10. Leon and the merchant from Resident Evil are actually the same person (now we know how he randomly pulls out rocket launchers).

11. Men in video game world usually have two things - dashing good looks & impossible bad ass moves

12. Military character customization for women equals a choice between ugly and uglier.

13. Women in video games (save for Bayonetta) are usually grossly underestimated.

14. Death is made funnier whenever Toby Turner is the one playing.

15. The meaning of life is a moldy squid sandwich.

16. Cool characters usually have issues

17. You can build anything.... and I mean anything in minecraft.

18. (in response to 17) said object built in minecraft may end up crashing your computer.

19. If your character can jump, the laws of gravity don't usually apply.

20. The hero can fly before laying down an amazing and outrageous finishing move.

So, I think that's about all I have. :) Merry Christmas, guys!
